The Best of the Best
I am of the opinion that Kallen is the best Knightmare pilot in Code Geass. Period. My opinion is probably biased but here’s how I see it. For most of the series Kallen and Suzaku are always butting heads and finding themselves caught in ties with no clear winner. Now, while Kallen eventually defeats Suzaku but by no means should we assume Suzaku to be the most powerful Knightmare Pilot in Britannia. We can easily approve that Suzaku is the best Knightmare pilot in Britannia by looking at the hierarchy of the Britannian military. The best Knightmare pilots in the nation are the Knights of the Round. Within the Knights of the Round, their leader, the Knight of One, is the most powerful Knightmare pilot in the entire nation. Suzaku is not the Knight of One, however when he finds himself face to face with Bismark, the Knight of One, Suzaku is able to come out on top.
By defeating Bismark, Suzaku takes his place as the strongest Knightmare pilot in all of Britannia. Outside of Britannia the only free groups with Knightmare Frames are the Chinese Federation and the Black Knights. Kallen is known to be the best among the Black Knights for the entirety of their existence and the only member of the Chinese Federation who can even hope to come close is Xingke. Xingke actually defeats Kallen at one point but only because the Guren runs out of power. When the two groups join up together Kallen is still considered to be the best pilot among them.
Based on the above one can assume is that Suzaku is the best among the Britannian forces and Kallen is the best among the Black Knights. Therefore, when Kallen beats Suzaku in the final battle she should be considered the best Knightmare Pilot. Of course there are several outside forces such as Geass and the technology that would affect the outcome of their battle but without taking those forces into account Kallen should be the best Knightmare pilot.